Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Paint Ball ideas

Yes hello. I am interested in a bio dynamic mixture to formulate a new paintball technology
that is an efficient and bio safe alternative to the existing formulas. Making gelatin from
animal bi products and partially degradable fill and costs are the issues at hand.

First a hard shell with a hard but brittle shell is the gelatin replacement that can be
created from plant cellulose and plant lining or wall material, that will actually dissolve
in warm water.

Secondly a fill that is made of a color and soap. A mixture to leave a mark with a relatively
bright viscous fluid and be able to clean up after itself with assistance of this warm water.

Thirdly breaking the barrier of cost so that paintball as a sport has a chance to grow
unimaginable due to the alleviation of stress by current paint manufacturing costs.

Protecting the environment and growing the sport of Paintball is the first
concern of this morally and innovative idea. With this accomplished we came move to other
ideas for the sport like, dimple balls, glow in the dark fill and shell or even glowing
rounds.Bettering the technology surrounded around the most important thing in the game.
"The Ball"

Saturday, February 20, 2010


First folder of Pics and Ideas coming on next blog.